Your Path to Senior Walk

As always, keep an eye on the registrar’s Academic Calendar for important dates.

Freshmen: Get Connected!

  • SUCCESS: Become familiar with UAConnectBlackboard, and UASuccess (within Blackboard), then utilize them regularly.
  • INVOLVEMENT: Campus is new, exciting, and maybe even scary. This semester, be sure to attend at least two school-related events or meetings outside of class that are of interest to you.
  • ADVISING: As you decide on classes for next semester, be sure to take core classes that keep you on track, and help you explore your major or potential options. Keep an eye on your grades to stay above a 2.0, and work hard the last few weeks to keep that GPA up.
  • ACADEMIC: Find a good study app and connect with CLASS+ to help you study better for the next four years.
  • FINANCIAL: Early in the semester, start thinking about re-applying for financial aid, and follow through as soon as possible. You will also want to consider scholarships to renew or apply for, and awards you may be eligible for, then begin preparing ASAP.
  • ACADEMIC: Schedule an appointment for tutoring, Academic Coaching, writing support, or supplemental instruction through CLASS+ to ensure you are meeting your full potential.
  • ADVISING: Meet with your academic advisor, and enroll for your sophomore year, keeping in mind a four year graduation timeframe.
  • CAREER: Take a look at what the Career Development Center has to offer, and be sure to take the Focus 2 self-assessment to get an idea of your strengths.

Sophomores: Go Exploring!

  • INVOLVEMENT: Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity! Priority applications are generally due November 1, so check out Study Abroad options to see where the University of Arkansas can take you!
  • SUCCESS: Now’s the time to ask yourself if your major is actually a good fit. It’s not too late to make a change, but you will want to meet with your academic advisor ASAP to see what your options are.
  • ADVISING: As you prepare for next semester’s classes, check out your degree plan, to ensure your are taking the right pre-requisites to start your upper-level courses.
  • ACADEMIC: Ensure the courses you are taking meet any applicable College Academic Regulations, satisfy pre-req requirements for classes you are planning to take, and contact your advisor with questions.
  • CAREER: You’ve decided on a major, but there’s so much each area of study has to offer. Schedule an appointment with the Career Development Center and take the StrengthsQuest self-assessment to help you identify and cultivate your strengths.
  • FINANCIAL: Early in the semester, start thinking about re-applying for financial aid, and follow through as soon as possible. You will also want to consider scholarships to renew or apply for, and awards you may be eligible for, and begin preparing ASAP.

Juniors: Take Charge!

  • REGISTRAR: Check with the Registrar to ensure that all of your transfer credit has been received and applied toward your degree
  • ACADEMIC: Don't forget that many resources are available through CLASS+! Be sure to take advantage of them all.
  • GRADUATION: If you are thinking about applying to graduate school, you will want to start looking into programs of interest to get an idea of possibilities and deadlines.
  • CAREER: Visit with the Career Development Center to look into ways to enhance your education and prepare for a career.
  • FINANCIAL: As early in the semester as possible, re-apply for financial aid. You will also want to consider scholarships to renew or apply for, and awards you may be eligible for, then begin preparing ASAP.
  • ACADEMIC: Meet with your professors this semester. As you enter your senior year, it will be very important to start or continue those relationships as you look toward graduation, then graduate school or career.
  • CAREER: If you haven’t already, consider job shadowing, an internship, Cooperative Education (Co-op) or even a part-time job in an area of interest to help you decide if the field you are considering is right for you.

Seniors: Finish Strong!

  • CAREER: Spend a lot of time with the Career Development Center this semester to ensure your resume is in top shape for your job search, and participate in Employers Visiting Campus events to network.
  • REGISTRAR: If your college has a Writing Requirement for graduation, be sure to complete that by the end of this semester.
  • GRADUATION: If you are planning to apply to graduate school, most program application deadlines are between January and March, so now is a good time to figure out where and when you want to apply.
  • ACADEMIC: With only one semester left, be sure to enjoy the last of your time with friends on campus as an undergraduate student, AND ace your classes — remember: the CLASS+ is helpful for everyone who needs it!
  • REGISTRAR: Apply to graduate by March 1!
  • CAREER: As the semester ends and the job search is in full swing, visit with a representative from the Career Development Center to explore all possibilities
  • ALUMNI: After you graduate, make sure your information is up to date with the Arkansas Alumni Association, and think about getting involved with your alma mater!