Courses Tutored
Spring 2025
Courses with (*) have weekly drop-in hours
Courses with (**) have a weekly Study Hall and drop-in hours
ACCT 20103 - Accounting Principles **
ACCT 20203 - Accounting Principles II **
ACCT 37203 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 37503 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 38403 - Fundamentals of Taxation I
AGEC 11003 - Principles of Agricultural Microeconomics
AGEC 21003 - Principles of Agricultural Macroeconomics
BIOL 10103 - Principles of Biology **
BIOL 10104 - Biology for Majors **
BIOL 20003 - General Microbiology
BIOL 24103 - Human Physiology
BIOL 23373 - General Genetics
BIOL 25473 - Cell Biology
BLAW 20003 - Legal Environment of Business **
BUSI 10303 - Data Analysis & Interpretation **
CHEM 12073 - Chemistry for Majors I
CHEM 12103 - Fundamentals of Chemistry **
CHEM 12283 - Chemistry for Majors II
CHEM 14103 - University Chemistry I **
CHEM 14203 - University Chemistry II **
CHEM 26103 - Organic Physiological Chemistry
CHEM 36053 - Organic Chemistry I **
CHEM 36203 - Organic Chemistry II **
CHEM 37073 - Organic Chemistry I for Majors
CHEM 37203 - Organic Chemistry II for Majors
CHEM 38103 - Elements of Biochemistry
CHEM 481H3 - Honors Biochemistry I
CHIN 10103 - Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 10203 - Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 20103 - Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 20203 - Intermediate Chinese II
CSCE 20004 - Programming Foundations I
CSCE 20104 - Programming Foundations II
CSCE 21104 - Digital Design
CSCE 22104 - Computer Organization
CSCE 31903 - Programming Paradigms
CSCE 35103 - Software Engineering
CSCE 36103 - Operating Systems
CSCE 41303 - Algorithms
CSCE 43203 - Formal Languages and Computability
DASC 12004 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
DASC 25904 - Multivariable Math for Data Scientists
ECON 21003 - Principles of Macroeconomics *
ECON 22003 - Principles of Microeconomics *
ECON 21403 - Basic Economics: Theory & Practice
ESRM 24003 - Statistics in Nursing
FINN 20403 - Principles of Finance
FINN 30603 - Investments
FINN 31003 - Financial Modeling
FREN 10103 - Elementary French I
FREN 10203 - Elementary French II
FREN 20103 - Intermediate French I
FREN 20203 - Intermediate French II
FREN 30003 - Advanced French
GEOG 11103 - Human Geography
GERM 10103 - Elementary German I
GERM 10203 - Elementary German II
GERM 20103 - Intermediate German I
GERM 20203 - Intermediate German II
GERM 30003 - Advanced German I
GERM 40003 - Advanced German II
ISYS 21003 - Business Information Systems
ISYS 22603 - Principles of Information Systems
ITAL 10103 - Elementary Italian I
ITAL 10203 - Elementary Italian II
ITAL 20103 - Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 20203 - Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 30303 - Italian Conversation
ITAL 33303 - Made in Italy
JAPN 10103 - Elementary Japanese I *
JAPN 10203 - Elementary Japanese II *
JAPN 20103 - Intermediate Japanese I *
JAPN 20203 - Intermediate Japanese II *
JAPN 30303 - Advanced Japanese Conversation *
JAPN 31106 - Intensive Advanced Japanese *
JAPN 40303 - Oral Communication & Composition in Japanese *
Japanese tutoring is available through drop-in hours only.
MATH 11003 - College Algebra **
MATH 11103 - Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 12003 - Plane Trigonometry *
MATH 13004 - Precalculus
MATH 15104 - Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH 20503 - Finite **
MATH 21003 - Principles of Statistics **
MATH 21803 - Mathematical Reasoning in a Quantitative World
MATH 22003 - Survey of Calculus **
MATH 22103 - Survey of Mathematical Structures I
MATH 22203 - Survey of Mathematical Structures II
MATH 24004 - Calculus I **
MATH 24005 - Calculus I with Review **
MATH 25004 - Calculus II **
MATH 25804 - Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 26004 - Calculus III **
MATH 26103 - Discrete Math
MATH 30803 - Linear Algebra
MATH 30903 - Abstract Linear Algebra
MATH 31103 - Intro to Abstract Algebra I
MATH 42503 - Symbolic Logic
MATH 44203 - Intro to Partial Differential Equations
MEEG 20003 - Statics
MEEG 20103 - Dynamics
MEEG 21003 - Intro to Machine Analysis
MEEG 24003 - Thermodynamics
MEEG 27003 - Computer Methods in Mechanical Engineering
MEEG 30103 - Mechanics of Materials
MEEG 31103 - Fundamentals of Vibrations
MEEG 35003 - Mechanics of Fluids
MEEG 44103 - Heat Transfer
MGMT 21003 - Managing People and Organizations
MUSC 13303 - Popular Music
NURS 33183 - Pharmacology in Nursing
NURS 33174 - Pathophysiology
NURS 33432 - Health Assessment
NURS 36334 - Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness I
NURS 41534 - Nursing Concepts: Children and Family
NURS 42632 - Nursing Concepts: Adult Health and Illness II
NUTR 12103 - Fundamentals of Nutrition
PHIL 22003 - Logic
PHYS 10243 - Physics & Human Affairs
PHYS 20103 - College Physics I
PHYS 20203 - College Physics II
PHYS 20304 - University Physics I **
PHYS 20404 - University Physics II *
PHYS 36103 - Modern Physics
PLSC 20003 - American National Government
PSYC 20003 - General Psychology
PSYC 20103 - Intro to Statistics for Psychologists
PSYC 30903 - Developmental Psychology
RUSS 10103 - Elementary Russian I
RUSS 10203 - Elementary Russian II
RUSS 20103 - Intermediate Russian I
SOCI 10103 - General Sociology
SPAN 10103 - Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 10203 - Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 20103 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 20203 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 30003 - Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 31003 - Cultural Readings
STAT 30133 - Intro to Probability