Class Attendance

Under the Academic Regulations section of the Undergraduate Catalog of Studies is this statement on class attendance:

Education at the university level requires active involvement in the learning process. Therefore students have the responsibility to attend class and to actively engage in all learning assignments or opportunities provided in their classes. Instructors have the responsibility to provide written policy on student attendance that is tied to course objectives included in a course syllabus.

Because research has proven the positive correlation between class attendance and student success, UA faculty use various strategies, like clickers, to motivate students to attend and engage in class. According to the Faculty Focus article “Five Techniques for Improving Student Attendance,” other strategies are:

  1. Use learning contracts
  2. Give unannounced quizzes
  3. Provide handouts in class; do not post them on your course website
  4. Collect contact information from students at the beginning of the semester so you can call or email students who are frequently absent
  5. If your class size permits, learn names as soon as possible, and create a sense of community and mutual respect in the classroom

(Rick Sheridan, “Five Techniques for Improving Student Attendance” in Effective Teaching Strategies, June 25, 2012. From Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications.