Student Success

Services are in place on campus to help all university students succeed academically. Professors, advisors, and university staff members are some of the best resources in the student's journey to graduation. Therefore, CLASS staff  seek to support not only students, but also the faculty and staff who teach and work with the students utilizing our services in order to create and improve student success resources.

Specific services that can help students are:

  • One-on-one academic coaching. Contact Karen Hodges for more information
  • Tutoring in a variety of undergraduate classes. Contact Charlotte Lee
  • Supplemental instruction. Contact Anne Raines
  • Writing Center tutoring. Contact Bob Haslam
  • Eight-week credit classes in college learning strategies, career and financial planning, and math study skills. Contact Karen Hodges
  • Online resources in learning support at
  • In-class workshops upon request
  • Support for students needing academic recovery. Contact Karen Hodges
  • Consulting services about which campus student success resources might be of most help to a particular student