Students sitting at a table with their laptops

What We Offer Students

Our team is here to work with you to create strategies for navigating the financial aspects of college and understanding how academic choices can affect your total cost of attendance. We will work with you in three key areas: understanding how to fund your education and future goals; navigating your current financial environment; and financial strategies to pay for college. Through personalized coaching, our team can help you:

  • Read your current tuition and fees to understand how financial aid and scholarships are applied to your bill
  • Find renewal criteria for your current financial aid and scholarship packages
  • Understand the financial implications for academic choices such as retaking classes, dropping classes, or the impact of your grades
  • Establish effective budgeting skills personalized to your needs and goals
CORD Guides sitting and talking

What We Offer Staff and Faculty

Surveys show that financial literacy is a top concern to college students. The Financial Empowerment team can help staff and faculty create a campus culture of financial empowerment. The team will work with staff and faculty to:

  • Create a campus culture of financial empowerment
  • Give you tools and resources to share with students that will strengthen healthy, lifelong financial behaviors
  • Monitor and follow up on student progress to encourage continuous enrollment and, ultimately, graduation from the University of Arkansas


  • Mortar board and money icon
    Increase student financial knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, positive financial behaviors, and values exploration.
  • Financial Stress Icon
    Decrease student financial stress and anxiety.
  • Referral Icon
    Provide appropriate and timely referrals to campus services and supports.
  • Focus Icon
    Provide focused, culturally-sensitive services for students from marginalized and economically vulnerable backgrounds.


The Financial Empowerment Program provides Scholarship and Financial Aid education, personalized coaching, and workshops to empower UA students for financial stewardship, informed decision-making, and self-advocacy.


The Financial Empowerment Program aims to increase retention and graduation rates by bridging the gap between academic counseling and financial aid. The Student Success Center, in partnership with the Chancellor, Treasurer’s office, Financial Aid Office, Student Success will be identifying students who are both academically and financially at risk and provide financial and academic support to ensure students can graduate in a timely manner and ensure a higher opportunity at retention and graduation.

Student Financial Empowerment at University of Arkansas helps students develop financial literacy and understand the importance of financial literacy by providing general information for educational purposes only.  This information is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified legal, investment, or tax advisor, who may determine that your individual circumstances require an approach that differs from the general information provided by Student Financial Empowerment. 

Third-Party Disclaimer

Links to third-party resources are provided as a convenience for informational purposes.  Neither the University of Arkansas nor Student Financial Empowerment endorses or approves any of the products, services or opinions of th