Students Helping Students

Creating Connections That Matter

At the Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence, we believe in the power of student connections. Our student team members are campus experts that have unique, relevant insights to share with other students, helping to make their campus journeys easier. Whether it’s sharing with you their best time management strategies, tips on how to ace your next exam, or insider info on getting involved on campus, our student team can help you excel inside and outside of the classroom, strengthening your sense of campus belonging and purpose.

"Learning at college is different to learning at high school, and navigating that change can be difficult without the right help. Visiting the Student Success Center is a great way to hit the ground running and get helpful study skills and explanations from students who were in your situation just a few semesters ago!"

- Reece Hodgson, Lead Business Tutor

CORD Student Staff Advisory Board

Are you an employee of the CORD and are interested in joining the CORD Board? Applications will re-open in the fall 2024 semester. Email to contact current members.

CORD Board is looking for passionate students to: Examples of CORD Board programming:
  • Improve student-visitor experience
  • Finals Week Support
  • Build community and create recognition among CORD student leaders
  • Student Employee Appreciation
  • Develop valuable leadership skills
  • End-of-year Celebration

Peer to Peer Programs